Registration is open for the graduate and undergraduate presentations at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Virtual Student Research Days set for April 12-16, 2021. All students are invited to participate.
The annual fair showcases research and creative accomplishments by university graduate and undergraduate students. In lieu of the traditional poster session and creative exhibition, undergraduate and graduate students are invited to develop a 5-8 minute video presentation to share through the dedicated Nebraska Research Days MediaHub channel.
Register by March 12: https://nuramp.nebraska.edu/ems/event.php?EMSEventUUID=29b8a5f8-eb58-44a9-bc13-dd9df497109e and upload your video by April 5.
The video presentations will allow participants to communicate their results to a worldwide audience and guidelines for creating and uploading the research video are on the Nebraska Research Days website.
Each day will feature separate disciplines:
Monday, April 12: Arts and Humanities
Tuesday, April 13: Education, Business, Social Sciences
Wednesday, April 14: Life Sciences
Thursday, April 15: Physical Sciences
Friday, April 16: Engineering
Zoom sessions for students to discuss their research with judges will be held in the morning (undergraduates) and afternoon (graduates) on their field’s assigned day. Judges will have already viewed the video before the Q&A session, and this meeting time will be for judges to ask questions about the research, similar to a judge visiting a poster during a regular poster session. A specific Zoom live Q&A time and link will be sent to the student registrant and judges after registration closes. There will be awards for top presentations.
Faculty, postdoc, and graduate students are sought to serve as judges for the Student Research Days. Learn more about the judging process and volunteer to judge at https://nuramp.nebraska.edu/ems/event.php?EMSEventUUID=8cd96c47-30e6-4b75-97d3-901ce412ed2b
Questions about the graduate student events should be directed to Lisa Rohde at lrohde2@unl.edu and undergraduate student events should be directed to Justina Clark at jclark17@unl.edu.
More details at: https://research.unl.edu/springresearchdays/