Did you know that Russian is spoken by some 150 millions of people around the world? It is also a strategic language considered critical to US national security! Russian continues to be one of the most in-demand languages on job market in both public and private sectors. Proficiency in Russian opens career doors in foreign policy and national security, international relations, business, marketing, sales, trade, journalism, translating and interpreting, diplomacy, travel and tourism, library and information services, entertainment, etc. This summer we are offering a years’ worth of Russian online in just 10 weeks! Whether you are a sophomore or a junior, our program can help you achieve language proficiency before you graduate.
• Complete RUSS101 and RUSS102 in ten weeks this summer, and get ready to enter RUSS201 in the Fall of 2021.
• After completing RUSS101 and 102, you will also be eligible to apply for CLS (Critical Language Scholarship)!
• Graduating in Spring 2022? No worries, complete RUSS201, RUSS 202 and RUSS203 in AY 2021-2022, and reach Intermediate by the Summer 2022.
• With language proficiency at Intermediate level, you are eligible to apply for Fulbright Teaching Assistant Award in Russia! Start your application this summer!
• Want to pursue a Major or Minor in Russian? Our classes will get you to the Advanced Mid/ Advanced High Language proficiency if you major in Russian, and to the Intermediate High/Advanced low if you minor in Russian!
• Pursue various summer-abroad opportunities with us! Apply for a number of funding opportunities to continue your Russian studies!
If you want to know what the Russian program at UNL can offer, contact Dr. Olha Tytarenko at olha.tytarenko@unl.edu . Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @unlrussianclub