Hopefully you have adjusted well to being back in classes! Make sure you are keeping track of assignments, exams, quizzes or papers remaining for your Spring courses. Talk to your professors, join a study group, organize your time. Priority Registration begins today!
Sydney Webb is the Academic Advisor for the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Modern Languages department. You can make an appointment with her through MyPLAN or see her drop-in hours at the link below.
Our CAS Career Coaches Meagan and Kristen want to help you set yourself up for career success! Check out these upcoming events and opportunities to enhance your career development.
Continue reading for this week's update on opportunities to gain experience! Continue reading…
You're invited to a virtual panel discussion featuring U.S. Department of State Careers focusing on the personal experiences of our native Nebraskan panelists and student program and career opportunities at the U.S. Department of State on Wednesday, March 30 at 4:30pm CT! Keep reading for more info! Continue reading…
Join the Language Fair on Thursday! You can network with local organizations like ECHO Collective and El Centro de las Americas; join a language & culture mini-lesson to learn about Khmer, Dari, and more; learn international folk dances; and watch high schoolers compete!
Interested in pursuing a Masters abroad? Join us for a conversation with three Global Studies alumnae who received their Masters abroad. They'll discuss the reasons for pursuing graduate education in Europe, the application process, the difference between US and EU-based masters programs. Continue reading…
Join UNL Geography this summer for a 14-day field tour camping & exploring the Northern Rockies for an immersive experience learning about the human and physical geographies of the region! Some stops include Badlands, Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons national parks.
In this 3-wk course, you'll learn how to capture, process, and disseminate digital photographs from the air using a drone, and on the ground, to create 3D models for diverse purposes ranging from research, industry, non-profits to museums, and more.
MTWRF 9:30-12:00, BURN 126
Dr. Richards-Risetto
CAS Inquire panelists Joseph Mendola, Casey Kelly, Nora Peterson, Roberto Abadie, and Tierney Lorenz
A panel representing five disciplines within the College of Arts and Sciences will convene March 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Auditorium to discuss this year's CAS Inquire theme "Pain and Pleasure." The event is free and open to the public and will be livestreamed on Zoom. Continue reading…
Fosters understanding of the relationship between food and culture. Uses food as a lens to explore general topic areas such as identity, gender, language, family, nutrition, and health.
MWF 10:30-11:20am, Bessey 108 with Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic
Intro to theories and methods of Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems (GISystems). Focuses on spatial thinking, analysis skills, and the fundamental knowledge needed to use GIS effectively, accurately, and ethically.
Explore the history of cultural geography and the current theoretical debates of feminism, post-structuralism, post-colonialism and environmentalism, and the influences of literary and cultural studies in the development of cultural geography + methodologies.
Exploration of political economies of health care, the geographic distribution of services, the impacts of location in both care utilization and access, emphasizing the importance of "place" in health outcomes.
You’re invited to participate in UNL’s first-ever Student Research Days Slam, coming to the Wick Alumni Center on April 13, 2022. Share your work with your peers in a fun and supportive environment, and add a little bling to your C.V. The winner will receive a $500 prize, and other finalists $100. Continue reading…
"Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through Community GIS and Citizen Science" offers fully funded summer research experiences for eight undergraduate students. Participants will be in both Orlando and Belize for the summer as part of the program. Apply by April 6! Continue reading…
The application for International Welcome team is now available until April 1. Students can find the application on Handshake or the New Student Enrollment website at https://go.unl.edu/wt2022. Continue reading…
Professor Otaku will be combining engineering & anime for his talk about "Weathering with You," asking if the raindrops are realistic, and discussing how we can survive floods! It will be held both in person (Heritage Room in the Union) and on Zoom next Thursday March 31 at 5pm. Please RSVP! Continue reading…
SPAN 220: Spanish for Health and Medicine (6 credits)
In this course, you will gain confidence, fluency, and a more comprehensive understanding of cultures and how they play into medical decisions and influence communication inside and outside of the medical field. The daily immersion will provide you with the unique opportunity for extensive practice! Continue reading…
This course covers Central European and Czech history and culture from 1848 till the present: Habsburgh Empire and national awakening, WWI and WWII, formation of CZ, Cold War and transition to democracy. Discussions, speakers, and fun events!
A general intro to the politics, the diversity of religions, and the cultures in the Arab world. You'll also learn about the humanitarian challenges that face millions of people in the region.
TR 2:00-3:15 with Hassan Almokhreq
ARAB 288: Exploring Love, Sexuality, and Femininity in the History of Arabic Culture
Experience an overview of the interface between ecological issues and Chinese cinema situated in a larger context of environmental studies. We'll explore such themes as water, animal, air, landscape, cityscape, and the spectacular in a manner that is both accessible and ethical.