Hopefully the semester is starting well for you! Today is the last day to add/drop (meaning last day to add full-semester courses in MyRED and drop full-semester courses for a full refund). See the academic calendar for more dates/info, https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar/
Meet Samantha Grove, junior Anthropology major who spent last summer in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and she's a big fan of Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. Samantha is a story teller and exploring humanity's complexities is why she chose Anthropology. Continue reading…
Learn about language, innovation in politics, geothermal energy policy, along with Icelandic practices and customs. Experience how human and physical elements came together to create Iceland. Continue reading…
Join us for a welcome back event here at SGIS. Catch up with your peers and professors and enjoy some delicious food celebrating Lunar Year (Year of the Rabbit). We'll be serving bahn mi and dumplings. See you Friday, February 3rd, 2-4PM in Oldfather 807. Continue reading…
The deadline to apply for student awards has been extended to February 15th. Click here to apply and see more info, https://sgis.unl.edu/student-funding
We're looking to help send two of our majors to Japan this fall. Anthropology, Geography and Global Studies majors are invited to apply for this incredible opportunity. Continue reading…
The USDA Forest Service will soon be hiring students and recent graduates for various Natural Resource and Range Management internships and permanent positions. This includes several archaeology positions! Applications will be accepted on USAJOBS.gov between February 15th through February 27th, 2023 Continue reading…
The Washington DC Professional Enrichment Academy (DCPEA) is hosted by the Nebraska Public Policy Center. The application opened on January 20th and closes April 15th. For more info see, https://ppc.unl.edu/about/dcpea. For questions, please contact, Allison.docter@unl.edu
The Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science is offering an intensive week-long course in bioarchaeology to introduce participants to the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts. Deadline: May 8, 2023. Continue reading…
The Australasian Cluster for Archaeological Science is organizing a 3-day online
workshop on fostering good statistical practice in archaeology. Programs would start at 3pm CST. To register, https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LpZIcCElThCApihz5nWh0Q