Brian Wardlow grew up in a small farming town and got interested in how people use land. Academic experiences expanded that interest to the very big picture. Now now Wardlow uses remote sensing data from satellites and other sources to detect drought and other changes in land use and land cover. Continue reading…
Civil War Washington map viewer at
Rob Shepard, a geography Ph.D. student working with the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, has developed the interactive map on the Civil War Washington web site which is now in the spotlight because April 16 is the 150th anniversary of the Compensated Emancipation Act. Continue reading…
On April 21, the University of Nebraska State Museum in Morrill Hall will open “Minerals & Meteorites,” an expansive display of rare minerals and meteorites in the museum's Cooper Gallery, curated by Matt Joeckel. It will be on display through November. Continue reading…
All are invited to the Environmental Studies Spring Showcase, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, in the second floor lobby of Hardin Hall. It will feature posters on senior thesis topics and from our high school Environmentors/Upward Bound program. Refreshments will be served. Continue reading…
Heidi Asbjornsen of the University of New Hampshire will present "Assessing the Ecohydrological Effects of Land Use Change Across Multiple Scales: From Leaves to Watersheds" on Wednesday, April 18, at 3:30 p.m. in the Hardin Hall auditorium. Continue reading…
Don Wilhite announced in email that SNR will begin migration to Outlook/Office 365. Jim Hines will be coordinating the migration and Karen Jensen will be coordinating the training associated with it. Continue reading…
Sue Ellen Pegg received a plaque and a check in recognition of her outstanding performance.
Congratulations to Sue Ellen Pegg, SNR recruitment coordinator, and Natalie Umphlett, regional climatologist at the High Plains Regional Climate Center, who were the recipients of the Spring 2012 SNR Staff Recognition Award. Continue reading…
Lars Anderson will defend his thesis, "Greater Prairie-Chicken Nest and Brood Site Selection and Survival in the Eastern Sandhills of Nebraska," at 8 a.m. Monday, April 16, in Keim Hall, Room 150. Larkin Powell is his adviser.
Lucia Corral will defend her master's thesis, "Swift Fox Survey Assessment and Estimation of Detection Probability in Sioux County, Nebraska" on Tuesday, April 17, at 4 p.m. in Hardin Hall 209. Larkin Powell is her adviser.
B.J. Baule will present "A Climatological Analysis of the Warm-Season Wind Regimes of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas Coasts, with an Emphasis on Sea Breeze Circulations," Thursday, April 19 at 3 p.m. in 901 Hardin Hall, an Applied Climate Science graduate student seminar.
Edward Sudicky of the University of Waterloo will present "A Physically-Based Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Canadian Water Resources," on Friday, April 20, at 3:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall 117.