Our Cabela’s Apprenticeship Program is an opportunity for students to gain experience doing research that addresses real issues centered around:
• recruiting and maintaining participants in outdoor activities
• managing fish and wildlife and creating their habitat
• protecting threatened and endangered species
• supporting ecosystem conservation
Thirteen undergraduate students have been award 2022 apprenticeships.
Grace Carey
Factors that limit primary production in lakes
Jessica Corman
Lauren Clapper
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue & Educational Center in Wylie, Texas
Exotics Wildlife Rescue & Educational Center — Mentor: Vicky Keahey
Samantha Garcia
Better understand how native wildlife species are affected by bioenergy crop production
Andy Little
Andres Hayes
Productivity of the different types of beehives (lanstrogh, top bar, cement langstroth)
Zambeze Delta Conservation/Cabela Family Foundation
Kaianna Hraben
Positive sentiments about zoos and their conservation efforts change over time
Chris Chizinski
Johnathan Kelly
Temporal and spatial variability in nutrient runoff in streams in and around Scotts Bluff, Nebraska
Steve Thomas
Matthew Klein
Occupancy and estimated population status of native Nebraska herpetofauna species located within the Niobara Valley Preserve
Dennis Ferraro
Katie Krager
Research of Trumpeter Swans
Mark Vrtiska
Helen Little
Research will examine whether application of oyster mushroom-colonized substrate is an effective field treatment
Judy Wu-Smart
Alex Napolitano
Study the effect of mussels on water quality
Keeley MacNeill
Laurel Nelson
Negative sentiments about zoos and their conservation efforts change over time
Chris Chizinski
Jacob Reiber
Quantify how light impacts stream algal growth
Reilly Farrell | Jessica Corman
Abigail Ridder
Eastern redcedar’s effect on sapling recruitment in the Niobrara River Valley.
Sabrina Russo
More details at: https://snr.unl.edu/undergrad/funding/cabelaapprenticeshipprogram.aspx