Inside the School of Natural Resources

After leading UNL's School of Natural Resources for a decade, John Carroll will step down from the role in July. He will continue to teach classes and advise graduate students as a member of the SNR faculty.
After leading UNL's School of Natural Resources for a decade, John Carroll will step down from the role in July. He will continue to teach classes and advise graduate students as a member of the SNR faculty.

After 10 years, Carroll to step down as SNR director, transition to faculty

After leading UNL's School of Natural Resources for a decade, John Carroll will step down from the role in July. He will continue to teach classes and advise graduate students as a member of the SNR faculty. Continue reading…

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Michele Waszgis, a geologist with the Conservation and Survey Division and UNL’s School of Natural Resources displays a fully intact section of limestone core from a quarry in Cass County, Nebraska and donated by a cement company that mines the limestone.
Michele Waszgis, a geologist with the Conservation and Survey Division and UNL’s School of Natural Resources displays a fully intact section of limestone core from a quarry in Cass County, Nebraska and donated by a cement company that mines the limestone.

Repository’s range of ‘puzzle pieces’ explain Nebraska’s geologic past

Michele Waszgis looks down at the boxes of rock samples positioned neatly on a table. She points and explains. “Basically, these are puzzle pieces from underneath the ground,” she says.   Continue reading…

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Matt Joeckel’s profession gives him an exceptional perspective on Nebraska.
Matt Joeckel’s profession gives him an exceptional perspective on Nebraska.

Joeckel: Geology is a ‘beautiful science’ that provides insights into Nebraska’s deep past

Matt Joeckel’s profession gives him an exceptional perspective on Nebraska. As the state geologist and professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources, he studies practical matters such as carbon sequestration, rare earth elements and regional earthquake potential. Continue reading…

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Originally published January 23, 2023 - Submit an Item