Join the Nebraska Forest Service for the virtual 2023 Tree Care Workshop, Friday, Feb. 3 and Friday, Feb. 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. MST).
Topics will include diagnosis, risk assessment, preventing root damage, and site evaluation with tree selection. Features speakers: Jennifer Morris - NFS Forest Health Specialist; Graham Herbst - NFS Eastern Community Forester; Justin Evertson - NFS Green Infrastructure Coordinator; and guest, Deb Hilbert Ph.D. from Many Trees Consulting, LLC.
The event will take place on Zoom. Registration is $20 to attend both days, and registrants will receive the Zoom link via email. Registration will end 1 hour before the event begins on Feb. 3.
For registrations of three of more attendees, please contact Ben Bohall at bbohall2@unl.edu to 'bulk register' for one payment. Please contact Chrissy Land with any questions at chrissyland@unl.edu.
CEU's are currently pending official assignment; anticipated 3 CEU's per day for NAA and ISA.
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-tree-care-workshop-2023-nebraska-forest-service-tickets-510913836037
More details at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-tree-care-workshop-2023-nebraska-forest-service-tickets-510913836037