The School of Natural Resources about to end its annual effort to wrap Clinton Elementary School students in warmth through its Caring for Clinton Campaign, which runs through Dec. 7th at Hardin Hall, 3310 Holdrege St., Lincoln. Donations are low compared to previous years. Please consider giving. Donations will be collected in the Hardin Hall main lobby.
The elementary school, just a couple of blocks from SNR, sees a higher percentage of students and their families living in poverty than much of Lincoln, according to Linda Kern, family care coordinator with the school, and 100 percent of its 432 students are on free- or reduced-price lunches. Families often struggle to make their dollars stretch far enough to cover food, housing, utility and clothing costs.
The annual drive seeks to plug that gap, collecting donations of winter coats, warm gloves, clothing and monetary or gift card donations, which later are distributed to families for the holiday season.
*Boys/girls coats: 3-4 T; 10/12; 14/16 ; 18-20 or XXL
**Girls leggings: S (6-6x); M (7-8); L (10-12); XL (14-16); adult S/M
**Boys warm up pants and jeans: 6-8; 10-12; 14-16
Boys underwear (new): 4; 6/8; 10/12; 14/16
Girls underwear (new): 4; 6/8; 10/12; 14/16
Hats and gloves....kid size---no adult size, please
Dollar Tree: M/F deodorant; full-size body wash and body lotion; shampoo; full-size toothpaste; soft tooth brushes
*This year Clinton is receiving coats through Operation Warm — from the Lincoln Firefighters. Each student at Clinton will receive a winter coat. The sizes included here are either our most used sizes or sizes not included from Operation Warm. That means our typical need for coats is not as great as in previous years.
** This year there are a large number of students from Afghanistan and Sudan at Clinton Elementary and they wear traditional clothing. Leggings (girls) or warm up pants (boys) work best because they can wear them under their traditional clothing — so not much need for jeans or t-shirts; or girls outfits (skirts, blouses, etc.)
Please do not include adult clothing as well as bathing suits, shorts, summer clothing, dresses, boys dress clothing and well-worn shoes/boots.
Donations can also be made online at https://foundationforlps.org/give/inspiring-dreams-fund.html Type in “Clinton Emergency Fund” under the donation amount. For our records, if you donate online, we request you let Dee Ebbeka know the amount by email: debbeka1@unl.edu. Thank you!
More details at: https://snr.unl.edu/aboutus/what/caringforclinton.aspx