by Mark Mesarch
The donations for 'Caring for Clinton' were delivered to Clinton Elementary on December 12, 2024. This year's donations included almost $1000 from the SNR Community and additional donations directly to the the Foundation for Lincoln Public School Fund earmarked for Clinton.
An abundance of clothing was also donated including 75 sets of mittens and over a dozen hats knitted by 'Friends of SNR' Anne Mulligan, Dee Ebbeka, and Marilyn Fenton.
Larkin Powell, Director of the School of Natural Resources, commented "I’m grateful for our Community Engagement Committee and the work that they and others have done to coordinate this important effort. There are so many ways to give back to our community, but this tradition of the School to support students in our neighborhood who have special needs at the holiday season is special. Thank you to all who gave clothing and funds towards this effort!" This is the 17th year that the SNR Community has reached out to Clinton Elementary.
Linda Kern, the Care Coordinator at Clinton, shared with us, "We at Clinton are so grateful for you donations of coats, hats, gloves, and clothing. We have had an increase in students this year, so all your donations will be greatly appreciated. Including the dollars to the "Clinton Emergency Fund!" And then she shared a Vedic Proverb "Rivers do no drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself; and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is. Life is good when you are happy, but much better when others are happy because of you."