By Julie Kundhi | Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is accepting entries into the Big Ten Academic Alliance Love Data Week Data Viz Championship. The competition is open to students, faculty, and staff from Big Ten institutions. Participants can be individual creators or collaborate with others, so long as all are enrolled or work at a Big Ten institution. Multiple submissions are allowed.
The student division will feature visualizations using the National Park Service Visits Data. Faculty and staff may submit either existing work that is publicly available or visuals created using public data that highlight the Big Ten.
Submissions can be created with the user’s preference of software, including, but not limited to: Tableau, Microsoft PowerBI, R, Python or Julia.
Software is not necessary. Last year’s champions featured physical objects that were documented in photos and videos.
Submissions are due to Jason Casey at jcasey10@unl.edu by Jan. 17 and must include a link to the submitted work(s), a thumbnail image for display on the competition page, and the names and email addresses of all authors who created the work.
Every Big Ten campus will choose one student and one faculty/staff winner. UNL winners will be announced Jan. 24. These winners will participate in BTAA finals online during the week of Feb. 10.
More details at: https://iea.unl.edu/about-iea/data-viz-championship/