'Flights Ascending' Challenge Happening NOW!

Flights Ascending
Flights Ascending

Is it RETRO???? SNR Wellness Activity for February 2025 has the return of the ‘Flights Ascending’ Challenge. How many flights of stairs in Hardin Hall can people ASCEND?

Based on an honor system, faculty, staff, students will enter the number of flights of stairs they climb in Hardin Hall throughout the month of February. An award will be given out each week to a randomly selected participant that has completed a minimum number of flights. At the conclusion of the month, awards will be given out for the top three ‘ascenders’ for the entire challenge.

As of 2/5/2025 at 4pm we have climbed 442 flights. Are you one of the 12 participating so far. You could be one of them.

SNR Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students and NRBC Staff are pre-registered. Undergraduate students interested in participating should contact Kenneth Pyle (kpyle4@unl.edu) to pre-register.

Please use your email and NUID to log in at https://go.unl.edu/flightsascending