4-H & FFA exhibits and events will be held Thursday, August 1 - Sunday, August 4 at the Lancaster County Super Fair. The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and is open to all youths ages 5-18. 4-H/FFA information is at http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair.
For general and Open Class information, contact Lancaster Event Center at 402-441-6545 or go to http://www.superfair.org
The Lancaster Event Center is located at 4100 North 84th Street, Lincoln NE. Directions: North 84th Street & Havelock Avenue. For additional information call 402-441-7180 or visit lancaster@unl.edu.
More details at: http://events.unl.edu/2013/08/01/73784/