SNR Seminar Series kicks off Sept. 4

SNR Seminar Series kicks off Sept. 4 with a presentation from Martha Shulski.
SNR Seminar Series kicks off Sept. 4 with a presentation from Martha Shulski.

The fall 2013 SNR Seminar Series, "Our Natural Resources in a Changing Environment," is set to kick off Sept. 4. Seminars will take place every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in Hardin Hall auditorium, unless otherwise stated.

The seminar titles and their presenters are as follows:

August 28
NO SEMINAR (First week of School)

September 4
Dr. Martha Shulski
High Plains Regional Climate Center
School of Natural Resources
Title: Delivering useful and usable climate information products

September 11
Dr. Larkin Powell
School of Natural Resources
Title: Conserving Nebraska's Biodiversity: Challenges and Opportunities on Private Lands

September 18

September 25
Dr. Don Wilhite
School of Natural Resources
Title: The Applied Climate Science in SNR: Past, Current and Future

October 2
Dr. Michael Hayes, Mark Svoboda, Dr. Cody Knutson, Dr. Tsegaye Tadesse and Brian Fuchs
National Drought Mitigation Center
School of Natural Resources
Title: From Lewellen to Delhi: Drought Risk Management for the World.

October 9
Dr. Dan Snow
School of Natural Resources
Title: Good Water -- A story of Great Plains water quality

October 16
Dr. Arthur I. Zygielbaum
Center for Advanced Land Management Technologies
School of Natural Resources
Title: Coloring in the numbers

October 23 (at 2 p.m.)
Dr. Bethany A Bradley
Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Title: Plant invasions and global change, lessons from biogeography

October 30
Dr. Ulf Buentgen
Head of Dendroecology
Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape
Title: Frontiers in tree-ring research at the interface of archaeology, climatology and ecology

November 6
Dr. Steve Comfort
School of Natural Resources
Title: My water is contaminated, now what? How UNL's Environmental Restoration Science program can help

November 13
Dr. Matt Joeckel
Conservation and Survey Division
School of Natural Resources
Title: The Keystone Pipeline: Observations on geology, society and the Nebraska Geological Survey.

November 20
Dr. Stephen Wood
Vice President, DigitalGlobe Analysis Center
Title: TBD

December 4
Dr. Lisa Pennesi and Dr. Mark Burbach
School of Natural Resources
Title: Preliminary Results of an Assessment of a Nebraska Game & Parks Commission Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program