Ten students recently returned from a study abroad trip to Greece, where they studied sustainability and food production. They were: Thomas Clutter, business major; Johnna Guernsey, fish and wildlife major; Jace Kranau, natural resources and environmental
Ten UNL students just returned from trip abroad to study sustainability and food production in Greece. It was a trip that shaped these students lives forever. Continue reading…
After nearly 40 years with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Don Wilhite, founding director of the National Drought Mitigation Center, former School of Natural Resources director and dedicated applied climate professor, retired on June 30. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has awarded stipends to 16 School of Natural Resources students, to participate in research with a faculty mentor during the 2016-17 school year. The following is a list of the SNR students by hometown, their academic major and project title. Continue reading…
Matthew Douglass, an archaeologist in the UNL Department of Anthropology and lecturer with the School or Natural Resources, is in Kenya working as a team member with others from George Washington University and the University of Georgia to lead the Koobi Fora Paleoanthropological Field School. Continue reading…
Media often reaches out to the people at the School of Natural Resources for comments on current affairs. Check out these stories featuring SNR that broke in May. Continue reading…
UNL has opened its Digital Learning Center. Located on the first floor of Love Library North, the center will be a one-stop shop for web-based assessment and Scantron Services. Continue reading…
There is an urgent need to track monarchs across their range over time to better understand and adjust conservation measures to be most effective. The Nebraska Game and Parks needs you help with the project. Get the details here: http://outdoornebraska.gov/butterflysurvey/Continue reading…