Following another year of above-average precipitation, Nebraska groundwater levels continued to rise in the areas most affected by the 2012 drought, according to a new report from the Conservation and Survey Division at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. But the long-term trend looks different. Continue reading…
Two isolated mountain lion populations in southern California’s Santa Ana and Santa Monica Mountains are at risk of local extinction, perhaps as soon as within 50 years, according to a study published last week in the journal Ecological Applications. John Benson was the lead author. Continue reading…
After more than 20 years working for federal agencies, most recently as a research scientist and leader of the Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, Dr. Craig Allen will retire March 31. An informal reception to celebrate COOP Unit leadership changes will be April 1 in Hardin Hall. Continue reading…
A workshop designed to introduce water resource managers to Nebraska GeoCloud, a web service for hydrogeologic data and models, is set for April 1 to 2 in 901 Hardin Hall, 3310 Holdrege St., Lincoln. Registration closes March 27. Continue reading…
Want to knock out a few credits over the summer? Check out the newly offered NRES 312: Introduction to Geospatial Information Science course online. Continue reading…
Michael Campana, of Oregon State University, will present “Harvesting Glacial Meltwater with Managed Aquifer Recharge” at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 28 in the East Campus Union Sycamore Room as part of the Spring 2019 Water Seminar Series. Continue reading…
"Nexus - design, horticulture, ecology projects” symposium will bring together some of the most prominent voices from those fields for a two-day event that tackles the complex relationship between people, the planet and its occupants. Registration is open. Continue reading…Add to my calendar (.ics)
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Extension and Public Policy Center are assisting in the coordination of flood cleanup and recovery in Nebraska. Continue reading…
A new fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation will support students and employees facing sudden financial hardship from emergency situations like the recent flooding across the region. Continue reading…
An "I Love NU" Advocacy Day will be held at the Nebraska State Capitol from 9 a.m. to noon March 27. The event is open to anyone — including students, faculty, staff and alumni — wishing to show support for the University of Nebraska. Continue reading…
The 19th Annual Family Weatherfest and Science Spectacular, including several SNR participants, will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 6, at Nebraska Innovation Campus. Continue reading…Add to my calendar (.ics)
Michael Bérubé, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature at Penn State, will be giving the lecture "Talking Out of School: Academic Freedom and Extramural Speech" on March 29, 2019 in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public and will be followed by a Q&A session. Continue reading…