Private support is integral to the success of SNR and its programs. You can have a big impact. Here are a few opportunities where you can make a difference.
Donate Time
Return to our classrooms or club meetings, and share your time and talent through presentations; skills training; or mentorship. Alumni engagement in our students’ education is fundamental to their career success. For more information, contact Elyse Watson, alumni coordinator, at elyse.watson@unl.edu.
Work with our diverse student population to find your next natural resources volunteer, intern, or employee. You also can partner with our faculty on research projects important to the conservation goals at your agency, nonprofit or business. For more information, contact Elyse Watson, alumni coordinator, at elyse.watson@unl.edu.
Give a gift
- Pay it forward with a monetary donation to the School of Natural Resources fund through the Nebraska Foundation that will help us continue our legacy: training the next generation of natural resource champions by providing them a quality education, financial support, technological advancements.
- CASNR Alumni Brick Program and Installation
Individuals are invited to purchase a brick to support our CASNR Alumni Scholarship Fund. When you make a donation to the CASNR Alumni Brick Program you will leave a permanent legacy on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus in the Legacy Courtyard. You also will help make college more affordable for future students.
Your brick can be engraved with your name or that of a friend, favorite professor, family member – anyone you would like honored at CASNR. Funds raised from donations to the CASNR Alumni Brick Program will be used to support an endowment for scholarships that will be awarded by the CASNR Alumni Association to incoming CASNR freshmen.
Two brick size options are available: 6 by 12 inches and 12 by 12 inches.
For more information, contact Meg Kester at 402-472-7909. You also may donate online at nufoundation.org/casnrbuyabrick
More details at: http://snr.unl.edu/alumni/