Hello UNL Staff,
My name is Sara Haake and I serve as your Staff Senate President. I am the Dispatch Director for the University of Nebraska Lincoln Police Department. You may also know me as the UNLPD therapy dog handler who brings Cash around campus.
It is with great pleasure and excitement that I extend a warm welcome to each of you as we conclude our fall 2023 semester. As your Staff Senate, we wanted to provide a new way to keep you apprised of Staff Senate work and upcoming opportunities to engage with the Staff Senate. Hence, the new quarterly newsletter scheduled to have its first official release in January 2024.
Your Staff Senate Communications Committee is working on creating a template for the quarterly newsletter to get the important information to you in a clear, informative, and concise manner. The structure and look of the newsletter may change as we work to build a robust and standard format. If you have feedback about the newsletter, please submit it to the Staff Senate email and we will work to incorporate your ideas. To receive the Staff Senate Newsletter please use this link to subscribe to the newsletter listserv via Mailman.
I want to express my gratitude to our exploratory committee, inaugural senators and past president, Terry Haverkost, for the dedication and commitment that has launched our first session as a staff senate into success. The Staff Senate serves as a vital link between the staff body and the university’s leadership, facilitating effective communication, understanding, and action on matters of significance to all staff members. It is a privilege to assume the role of President, and I am committed to ensuring that our voices are heard, our concerns are addressed, and our achievements are celebrated.
In the spirit of collaboration, I encourage each one of you to actively engage with the Staff Senate. Your input, ideas, and perspectives are invaluable, as they reflect the diversity and strength of our staff community. Staff Senate can be reached through the website (staffsentate.unl.edu), email account (staffssenate@unl.edu), or through individual senators. Together, we can create an environment that nurtures innovation, supports professional growth, and fosters a sense of belonging for all.
I am truly honored to serve as your Staff Senate President, and I look forward to collaborating with each one of you in the days, weeks, and months to come. Together, let us build a stronger, more inclusive, and empowered staff community that we can all be proud to be a part of.
With warm regards,
Sara Haake
Staff Senate President
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Submitted by Sara Haake