For the last several semesters, Strive to Thrive Lincoln has hosted a donation drive within the College of Business. Items such as school supplies, items for those affected by Spring 2019 flooding, and hygiene items have all been collected by MNGT 411 students.
In Fall 2019, the External Engagement group wanted to try a different approach and raise money using Venmo instead. While raising money is not a new activity, raising it via Venmo as part of a student academic unit certainly is. Still, the group knew how familiar college students are with Venmo and wanted to try this new approach.
They met with the Dean of the College of Business, as well as other administrators to secure permission to host this innovative type of drive. After being approved to collect funds via Venmo, Educare Lincoln was selected as the recipient of the group's drive.
The group approached Educare's Executive Director Quentin Brown after being impressed with the organization's Strive to Thrive Lincoln grant application, as well as their mission of "fully preparing all students for kindergarten, and ultimately for life-long success.” Educare provides high-quality education and curriculum to children of at-risk families. Their methods are so impactful that they have a 70-child waiting list for enrollment.
For two weeks, members of the group spoke to classes and worked to get the word out about their Venmo drive. Ultimately, the group raised over $1,000 for Educare Lincoln through average individual gifts of $2. The majority of donations came from students.
Brown was invited to speak at the Strive to Thrive Lincoln Awards Ceremony, and he shared the many additional ways this funding will support Educare classrooms. Educare Lincoln was grateful to partner with Strive to Thrive Lincoln and is confident that their brand awareness increased through this coordinated effort.