UCARE Applications due March 23

2014-2015 UCARE student participant
2014-2015 UCARE student participant

Are you interested in serving as a research mentor to an undergraduate student? The Undergraduate Creative Activity and Research Experience Program (UCARE) funds undergraduates to work one on one with faculty mentors on research. Students commit to working 10 hours per week from September to May on these research projects. If you are a faculty member, you are eligible to support a student’s application. You can also post your research opportunities on the UCARE website. Applications for the 2015-2016 academic year are due March 23, 2015.

Be sure to save the date for the Spring Undergraduate Research Fair, Wednesday, April 14. Any undergraduate can submit a poster sharing his/her research findings. If you have students who have undertaken research in your classes, please encourage them to go public with their findings. Registrations for posters are due March 21st at

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/qy4z