In collaboration with the Center for Transformative Teaching, the Writing Center is seeking 5-6 faculty members interested in incorporating writing fellows into one of their courses during the fall 2019 and/or spring 2020 semesters. Writing fellows are undergraduate Writing Center consultants who support faculty and students in particular classes across the disciplines. Fellows work closely with and are mentored by the faculty member teaching the course.
Each fellow works one-to-one with 10-15 students on specific writing assignments, giving written feedback on rough drafts and holding face-to-face conferences to help students make revisions before submitting final drafts. Writing fellows talk through ideas and problems with students to help them figure out how to express their own ideas as clearly and effectively as possible. They are not editors or proofreaders; rather, they are peers who work to help students meet their writing goals in these courses and become stronger, more confident writers and thinkers.
To be eligible, faculty members should be teaching a course in fall 2019 or spring 2020 with an enrollment between 8-32 students. The course should include at least two significant writing assignments, with a schedule that allows for students to revise drafts of these assignments.
Learn more at the Writing Fellows Program website. If you have questions, contact Dr. Rachel Azima, Writing Center Director and Director of the Writing Fellows Program at razima2@unl.edu; Nicole Green, Assistant Director of the Writing Fellows Program at n.green.unl@gmail.com; and/or Dr. Meredith Steck, Assistant Director of the Writing Fellows Program at msteck2@unl.edu.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/64iu