The Water Seminar Series continues with “Valuation of Freshwater Ecosystem Goods and Services," 3:30 p.m., Feb. 29 in the Hardin Hall auditorium. Walter Dodds, a professor of biology at Kansas State University, will lead the talk.
Lectures in the series are free and open to the public. The series is sponsored by the UNL Water Center and the School of Natural Resources.
Dodds' talk will cover how valuation can be used to assess restoration of freshwater ecosystems, costs of eutrophication, and as a framework to describe global human influences. Globally humans have appropriated about 25 percent of freshwater ecosystem goods and services.
Dodds specializes in research on aquatic ecology, river and stream ecosystems and how humans affect water quality, biological integrity and values of ecosystem goods and services. He has been at Kansas State since 1990, did postdoctoral work at Montana State University, and earned a doctorate at the University of Oregon in 1986. Dodds has more than 100 refereed publications to his credit and is the author of three books.
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