Volunteers are needed to help with the 2012 Formula SAE competition, June 20-23. This is the first of five years that UNL will serve as host of the national event.
SAE International announced in February 2011 the decision to relocate the Formula SAE competition from Fontana, Calif., to Lincoln. The decision to change venue was made in part because Lincoln's airport offers excellent space and facility features providing better team support and accommodation for future growth. With the move, approximately 250 volunteers are needed to support the more than 1,000 participants from 81 registered teams.
Anyone can volunteer. Time commitments are one to four days.
For the first time, UNL has a Husker Motorsports team preparing for the Formula SAE competition.
“One of the most important reasons Formula was started here at UNL was to create a student organization that simulates real world situations — meeting deadlines, working with other engineers and being able to see the teams creation at work and being able to show your work to the rest of the world by competing with other schools," said TiLong Nguyen, a senior mechanical engineering major and team captain.
The UNL team includes a variety of UNL students, ranging in academic programs from engineering to business administration.
For more information on the group, go to http://go.unl.edu/formulasae.
SAE International’s Collegiate Design Series goes beyond textbook theory by designing, building and testing the performance of a real vehicle. Competitions include: Aero Design, Clean Snowmobile Challenge, Formula SAE, Baja SAE and Supermileage.
SAE International is a global association of more than 128,000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial-vehicle industries. SAE International’s core competencies are life-long learning and consensus standards development. SAE International’s charitable arm is the SAE Foundation which supports many programs including A World in Motion and the Collegiate Design Series.