Today@UNL | Nov. 23, 2010

Nominees sought for 'Fulfilling the Dream' award

university_seal.jpgUNL seeks nominees for the 2011 Chancellor's "Fulfilling the Dream" Award. The award honors individuals who have contributed to the UNL community or the wider Lincoln community by their exemplary action in promoting the goals and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Nominations are due by Dec. 17. Continue reading…


Bus operating schedule changes for Nov. 24

Screen shot 2010-11-22 at 11.34.47 AM.pngThe bus operating schedule will temporarily shift to a 20-minute wait between buses on City Campus and a 10-minute wait on East Campus from 7 a.m. until 6:15 p.m., Nov. 24. The change is from lower demand while classes are not in session over the Thanksgiving holiday. Continue reading…

Originally published November 23, 2010 - Submit an Item