Mail and Distribution will be open 6 to 11 a.m., Dec. 29 and 30. Mail will be delivered to designated campus sites from 8 to 11 a.m., Dec. 30.
City Campus delivery sites are: Facilities Management 1901 Y; Nebraska Hall; 202 Andrews Hall; Canfield Administration Building; Nebraska Union; College of Business Administration; Hamilton Hall; Oldfather Hall departmental offices; Andersen Hall; 118 Henzlik Hall; Beadle Center; Westbrook Music Building; Jorgensen Hall; Avery Hall; and Burnett Hall.
East Campus delivery sites are: 202 Agriculture Hall; Plant Sciences; Forestry Science Lab; Vet Diagnostic Center; Law College; Varner Hall; Agricultural Communications Building; 104 Home Economics; and Animal Science.
Faculty and staff in buildings that do not receive mail service during the holiday shutdown can pick up mail at 1100 N. 17th St., west dock, between 7:30 and 11 a.m., Dec 29 and 30. An NCard must be presented.
Off-campus mail, excluding single-piece mail, will be processed by prior arrangement only during the shutdown. Regular campus mail service resumes Jan. 3.
For more information, contact Karen Ouellette at 472-2533 or Ken Reining at 472-7029, by Dec. 22.