Building the foundation for a proposed Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior is the focus of an Aug. 23 retreat, "Building Research Collaborations: UNL Athletics and Research," at Memorial Stadium's West Stadium Club. UNL faculty are invited to attend.
The retreat is part of an emerging collaboration between Nebraska Athletics and UNL Research. This partnership has led to space allocation in the East Stadium expansion of Memorial Stadium for the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, which will use cutting-edge imaging technology to better understand the biological underpinnings of behavior and performance.
Interdisciplinary research teams will work together in the new East Stadium facilities to address topics relating to health and performance, technology, nutrition, psychology and learning.
Registration deadline is Aug. 21. Schedule, registration and speaker information are available at the event website,
Attendees will learn about research facilities, including the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior and the Nebraska Athletic Performance Lab; participate in discussions of future research activities; and learn how to become involved in this partnership.
The keynote speaker is Douglas Granger, a nationally renowned expert in biomarker research. He is a professor of nursing and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research at Johns Hopkins University.
Other speakers include:
— Tom Osborne, director, UNL Athletics Department
— Dennis Molfese, professor of psychology and CB3 director
— Steven K. Krueger, cardiologist, BryanLGH Heart Institute
— Steve Kiene, managing principal, Nebraska Global Investment Co.
— UNL faculty representing engineering, psychology, education, and nutrition and health sciences
— Doak Ostergard, outreach director, UNL Athletics Department
The retreat is presented by the UNL Athletics Department and the Office of Research and Economic Development.