The Jan. 10 blood drives organized in memory of Jessica Lutton Bedient have been rescheduled.
The blood drive hosted by the Athletic Department is noon to 6 p.m., Jan. 14 at Memorial Stadium. The drive hosted by the NU Foundation is 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Jan. 21 at 1010 Lincoln Mall.
Jessica, who worked for the University of Nebraska Foundation, died following a car accident in October. Her husband, Tony Bedient, an assistant golf coach for the Huskers, was critically injured in the accident.
Jessica was a UNL advertising major and a member of the Innocents Society. Jessica was a fundraiser for the NU Foundation and was pursuing a master's of business administration at UNL. She volunteered in the community, including helping to organize a fundraiser for individuals with intellectual abilities.
Following the accident, Jessica received blood products. The blood she received enabled the family to donate Jessica's organs to three people.
The blood drives were organized by Jessica's friends and family, who have joined forces to continue her legacy of giving. A tribute journal of volunteerism and engagement dedicated to the life and memory of Jessica is available online at http://awholebunchofpeople.org.
The blood drive at the NU Foundation is co-hosted by the Nebraska Community Blood Bank. For more information or to make an appointment, call (402) 486-9414 or go online to http://don8bld.org.
The Memorial Stadium blood drive is co-hosted by the American Red Cross. For more information or to make an appointment, call 1-800-733-27677 or go online to http://redcrossblood.org (sponsor code 2517).