Aaron Beam, the former jailed chief financial officer of HealthSouth, will deliver two business ethics lectures on Oct. 18 in the Love Library auditorium. The lectures, which are free and open to the public, are 3:30 and 6:30 p.m.
The talks are sponsored by CBA Business Ethics Program.
Beam will discuss how he and Richard Scrushy founded HealthSouth and grew the company into a NYSE Fortune 500 company. His talk will describe the corporate culture that allowed the fraud to begin in 1996 and continue for seven years. Beam will also discuss how to spot the signs of ethical collapse in any company.
Beam resigned from the company in 1997. The fraud continued until 2003, when it was made public by one of Beam's successors. He and the other four CFOs testified against Scrushy, the CEO, when the case when to trial in 2005. Beam pled guilty to bank fraud.
For more information on Beam, go to http://www.aaronbeam.net.