UNL Police continue their investigation of a possible gunman that prompted a lockdown Feb. 24 on East Campus. The 90-minute search involved primarily the Law College and College of Dentistry. The buildings were thoroughly searched. No suspect was found.
The search ended at 4:25 p.m., after a report at about 2:55 p.m. of a man with a gun.
"The buildings have been searched. We have made contact with several people, but have not found the person reported to be involved," said Carl Oestmann, assistant police chief for UNLPD.
At about 2:55 p.m., a dental college faculty member saw a black man, thin, wearing a black windbreaker, black fedora-style hat and jeans entering the Dental College with a silver handgun. The faculty member called 911 and the College of Dentistry and College of Law were locked down with faculty, staff, students and visitors "sheltering in place."
UNL Police searched for the man fitting the description and heard reports of sightings at various locations around East Campus. UNL Alerts were sent informing the entire campus, and East Campus was locked down for about 90 minutes. Lincoln Police and Lancaster County Sheriff assisted. Police presence remained at East Campus through the evening.
Nebraska Wesleyan University was also alerted during the incident after the suspect was reported to be walking near 48th and Huntington streets.
Anyone with information about the person sighted should call university police at 472-2222 or call 911.