Register for Employee Business and Tech training online

Register for the online training at
Register for the online training at

UNL employees can register for business, finance and technology training classes through a new website. Classes available include SAP, eSHOP, UNL business processes, Blackboard, Microsoft Office and Adobe.

Employees can enroll and later access past training records and certifications.

"Employees often aren't aware of what training is available to them campuswide," Ranelle Maltas, technology training services manager for Information Services, said. "We've designed our registration system to be the one place to find everything available-and be able to enroll yourself in a class"

Maltas also said the registration site is designed as a destination, not only for prospective trainees, but for departments offering training classes, brown bags and seminars.

"It’s a very easy-to-use system where trainers can set the date, location and class size and the system will send confirmation emails to the registrants and update them on any changes," Maltas said.

For more information on posting classes to the website, contact Maltas at

To view and enroll in available training classes, go to