"Mother and Child," a drama centered around three women, opens June 25 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. Other offerings at the Ross include "The Secret in Their Eyes" (through July 1) and the live broadcast of "London Assurance" on June 28.
In "Mother and Child," Annette Benning is Karen, a bitter health care professional who was 14 when she gave up a daughter for adoption. She has never gotten over giving up her child and lashes out at everyone -- including the gentle man (Jimmy Smits) who is undeniably drawn to her.
The other two women in "Mother and Child" are Karen's adopted daughter, Elizabeth (Naomi Watts), and Lucy (Kerry Washington) who is looking to adopt a child.
Elizabeth is a smart and successful lawyer. However, any time she fails to get the upper hand or cannot control a situation, Elizabeth uses her sex appeal to turn the tide. She starts a romance with her boss (Samuel L. Jackson) and develops was to control her overly friendly neighbor (Carla Gallo) and husband (Marc Blucas).
After failing to conceive with her husband, Lucy turns to adoption to form the family she has always desired.
"Mother and Child" is directed by Rodrigo Garcia. The film (playing through July 8) is rated R for sexuality, brief nudity and language.
"The Secret in their Eyes" (rated R and showing through July 1) won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Directed by Argentinean writer/director/editor Juan Jose Campanella, the film interweaves the personal lives of a state prosecution investigator and a judge with a 25-year manhunt.
At 7 p.m., June 28, the Ross will feature "London Assurance," broadcast live from London's National Theatre. The performance is finale of the National Theatre's first season of NT Live, an initiative to broadcast plays in high-definition to cinema screens around the world.
"London Assurance" is a five-act comedy created in 1841 by Dion Boucicault. The show features Sir Harcourt Courtley's twisted search for a bride. Courtley is initially lured away from London by the rich and beautiful Grace, who is 45 years younger than her suitor. However, Courtley falls for Grace's cousin, the foxhunting Lady Gay Spanker. The plot thickens when Courtley's disguised son -- fleeing creditors -- appears and falls in love with Grace.
For more information about show times and ticket prices at the Ross, go to http://www.theross.org or call 472-5353.
More details at: www.theross.org