Two Big Ten chief information officers will be featured speakers March 23 at NU Tech Day. Sally Jackson, CIO at University of Illinois, and Steve Fleagle, CIO at University of Iowa, will discuss "Information Technology Strategic Collaboration in the CIC," during the opening session from 9-10 a.m. Jackson was previously at UNL.
Fleagle was named associate vice president and chief information office at Iowa in 2005, where he leads campus-wide information technology planning and operations, including telecommunications; coordinates development and delivery of IT services for instruction, research and administration; supervises the Information Technology Services organization; and represents the university's information technology interests regionally and nationally.
A native of DeWitt, Iowa, Fleagle earned an engineering degree from the UI in 1984. From 1984 to 1994, he was an engineer and the technical director of the UI Cardiovascular Image Processing Laboratory. From 1994 to 1998, he was a project leader and management team member in ITS, and from 1998-2004 he was director of Telecommunication and Network Services, a department of ITS. He served as interim CIO for 16 months, providing leadership and direction for a number of initiatives including selecting and installing a new 23-terabyte storage area network, upgrading the mainframe computing system, selecting and implementing a new course management system, replacing the system of telephone switches, implementing a new campuswide email and calendar system, and selecting and implementing a new student information system. He was also a leader in an effort to build a regional optic network connecting the UI, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota and Iowa State University, with future plans to include schools and government research laboratories in Nebraska and North and South Dakota.
At Iowa, Information Technology Services provides integrated information technology support for the UI campus, including computing facilities; administrative information systems; voice, data, and video communications networks and services; technological resources for teaching and research needs; Instructional Technology Centers; and a variety of related services and support.
As associate provost and chief information officer, Sally Jackson is responsible for computing and communications infrastructure for Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. She serves on a variety of campus leadership committees and oversees Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services. CITES staff maintain the voice and data networks for campus and offer a wide range of critical computing and information technology services.
Jackson is also professor of speech communication. Her major teaching and research interest is argumentation. Between 1970 and 1980 she earned three degrees (A.B., A.M., and Ph.D.) in speech communication at Illinois, and she has held faculty and administrative positions at UNL, Michigan State University, University of Oklahoma, and the University of Arizona.
The daylong NUTech Day conference also features a luncheon keynote by Malcolm Brown, director of Educause Learning Initiative, on "Learning Environments: The Path to the New Learning Ecology."
Find out more at http://nutech.nebraska.edu/nutechday. The event is at the East Union, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/7ns