UNL’s learning communities program is accepting proposals from campus departments/programs for the creation of first-year learning communities to begin in the 2014-15 academic year.
First-year learning communities are a means of support for students as they navigate the academic and social transitions to college life. During the 2013-14 year, approximately 12 percent of the freshman class will be involved in one of 22 first-year learning communities.
Students in a first-year learning community share experiences that enhance their freshman year. Those shared experiences include learning together in shared classes, living together on the same residence hall floor, and connecting with faculty/staff, student mentors, other students, and professionals in their field of study through exclusive events and activities.
For information on first-year learning communities at UNL, go to http://unl.edu/learncom.
Proposals for new first-year learning communities are due Sept. 15.
For more information, go to http://go.unl.edu/newlc or contact Tamy Burnett at tburnett2@unl.edu or 402-472-7128.