Landscape Services will coordinate a volunteer effort with Recycling Enterprises to encourage recycling at Husker home games again this fall. This effort will focus on parking lots and walkways on the UNL campus around Memorial Stadium.
Recycling bins will be located near waste containers along high-traffic pedestrian walkways leading to Memorial Stadium. Volunteers will walk crowded parking lots with green recycling bags. Tailgaters can take a green bag from the volunteers to keep at their tailgating site to use for plastic and aluminum recycling, and can leave the bags for volunteers to pick up after the game begins.
This effort still needs volunteers. Interested volunteers can contact Prabhakar Shrestha or Jeff Henson at 472-9139 or by sending email to recycling@unl.edu.
"We think it will allow people to be environmentally responsible with their gameday celebrating this year," said Rich Wahl, construction manager for UNL Landscape Services. "This is a positive way Big Red fans can contribute to recycling and support a sustainable campus environment at UNL."
Recycling Enterprises will collect the material and donate revenue back to organizers on a per-pound basis. This revenue will fund gameday recycling efforts in upcoming years and will be used for educational outreach on recycling in Lincoln.