National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in the past month. Individuals featured and links to the stories include:
Randy Cantrell, agricultural economics, had his work cited by The Associated Press on Sept. 4 regarding Rural Poll results on Nebraskans' agricultural roots. The story circulated nationwide and appeared in media outlets such as The San Francisco Chronicle, the Miami Herald, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.
Namas Chandra, associate dean in the College of Engineering, and members of the Trauma Mechanics Research Initiative were quoted in a feature article that appeared in the October issue of National Defense Magazine.
John Gates, hydrology, was quoted Aug. 19 by CNN.com regarding scenarios involving leaks in the planned Keystone oil pipeline and its effects on the Ogallala Aquifer.
Dicky Dee Griffin, veterinary medicine, was quoted in the New York Times on Sept. 21 regarding a panel's advice that the FDA perform more aggressive analysis of engineered salmon.
Peter Harms, management, had his work showing that a person's tendency to describe others in positive terms is an important indicator of the positivity of their own personality traits and emotional stability featured in a number of outlets in August, including United Press International and WebMD.com.
Ken Kiewra, educational psychology, was quoted Aug. 11 in USA TODAY regarding his research into how undergraduates study on computers and other digital tools. The Washington Post and The Associated Press also featured Kiewra's research.
On Sept. 16, the New York Times quoted Kiewra and cited his work on note-taking in a story regarding education technology.
Ann Mari May, economics, authored an op-ed piece, "How Tenure Promotes Diversity," for the New York Times that published Sept. 16.
On Sept. 15, her research into the effect of unionization at major research universities on the proportion of female faculties over time was featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Timothy Nelson, psychology, had his research on the effects of weight-related criticism on pre-adolescents featured by The Detroit News, LiveScience.com, MSNBC.com, Yahoo! News, the Associated Press and dozens of online news outlets and weblogs, in September.
Susan Swearer, educational psychology, was quoted Aug. 20 by the St. Petersburg Times about the root causes of juvenile sex offenses.
This is a monthly column featuring UNL faculty and staff in the news. National media often work with University Communications to identify and connect with UNL sources for the purpose of including the university's research, expertise and programming in published work. To offer suggestions of potential national news stories or sources at UNL, contact Steve Smith at ssmith13@unl.edu or 472-4226.