New Material World: Rethreading Technology, opening at the Sheldon Museum of Art on Oct. 8, is a survey exhibition that highlights 10 contemporary artists from Canada, Denmark, Japan, South Korea and the United States.
From 2-5 p.m. Oct. 8, Sheldon curator of cultural and civic engagement Sharon Kennedy will moderate presentations from artists Geraldine Onrizek, Jessica Smith and Grethe Sorensen. The event is open to conference attendees and Sheldon Art Association members. There is no charge to attend.
The exhibition explores ways in which some artists use technology as a tool to expand their design capabilities, while others use it to further their cultural, political, scientific or social interests.
The artists are using new material and manipulating old materials in new ways through the use of or mindful resistance of modern technology. Innovative material, such as paper, steel and combs, combined with technology act as catalysts toward imaginative new results.
Artists featured in the exhibition are Jessica Smith, Lyn Carter, Kyoung Ae Cho, Sonya Clark, Tomoko Ishida, Geraldine Ondrizek, Grethe Sorensen, Cat Mazza, Janice Lessman-Moss and Kyoko Kumai.
The exhibition is presented in conjunction with the Textile Society of America’s 2010 Conference, taking place in Lincoln Oct. 6-9.
Curated by Sharon Kennedy, Sheldon curator of cultural and civic engagement, the show opens with a public reception 5-7 p.m. Oct. 8. The opening is co-sponsored by the Textiles Society of America.
From 2-5 p.m. Oct. 8, Kennedy will moderate presentations from artists Geraldine Onrizek, Jessica Smith and Grethe Sorensen. The event is open to conference attendees and Sheldon Art Association members. There is no charge to attend.
More details at: http://sheldonartmuseum.org