The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) is having their first meeting of the Spring 2020 semester on January 22nd, 2020 at 5:30pm in HLH 223. SHRM is open to all majors in the college of business!
At this meeting we will discuss our mentorship program and the schedule for the upcoming semester. Pizza will be provided!
SHRM is the national human resource organization that strives to promote HR guidance. Being a part of SHRM allows you to be a part of an mentorship program with other HR professionals in Lincoln, Nebraska. This can lead to many opportunities such as internships or job opportunities. Additionally, registered SHRM members receive aid with studying and materials regarding the SHRM- CP certification that is relevant to all parts of business.
During SHRM meetings ( which happen every three weeks) we have networking opportunities with well-known members of Lincoln businesses and discuss emerging topics regarding all industries. Each meeting allows you to grow your knowledge of the business world and develop relationships with members of the Lincoln Human Resource Association (a professional organization in Lincoln) and other professionals in Lincoln/nationally.
The SHRM certification is a new opportunity within the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, College of Business and we will further discuss this exciting opportunity at the meeting on January 22nd. The meeting will be held in HLH 223 at 5:30pm.
More details will be discussed during the meeting. We hope to see you there!
Please reach out at shrmunl.cob@gmail.com regarding questions.