What’s it like to start your career in Minneapolis? What is it like to live in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul)? How is the city harnessing the 2018 Super Bowl to impact economic development? Meet with employers, learn from experiences of Huskers in the area and see if you can picture yourself Starting Something in the “Bold North” during the Minneapolis Career Expedition during Spring Break, Sunday March 18- Wednesday, March 21.
The Business Career Center will cover most costs, including transportation, tours, parking, hotel, welcome dinner, and professional reception. Participants will pay for one meal and personal sight-seeing expenses. Those selected for the expedition will attend a preparatory session.
Apply by Wednesday, January 31. If you have questions, contact Chris Timm at ctimm1@unl.edu or 402-472-7384 or visit: http://business.unl.edu/careerexpedition.