Hoan Do ETS
August 25, 6:30pm on Zoom. All ETS Scholars that attend and participate have the opportunity to receive a book from Hoan Do.
All 6th-12th grade LPS Students are invited, so invite your friends!.
Watch this video to learn more! https://go.unl.edu/etshdvideo
Sign up: https://go.unl.edu/etshoando
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/etshoando
Fall Orientations
ETS is ready to kick off the fall semester!
Each school will have an orientation in September to discuss what we will be offering scholars this fall.
Please sign up so we have an idea of how many scholars are attending so we have the right size of Zoom meeting room.
Middle School Orientations:
High School Orientations:
If you do not attend one of these schools, you can register for any of the sessions based on your grade level.
Senior Scholar Orientation - Tuesday, 9/14 - 6:30pm: https://go.unl.edu/etssrorientation
TutorMe has tutors in almost every subject! This service is 24/7 and 100% free to ETS Scholars.
Register for a tutor here: https://go.unl.edu/etstutor
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/etstutor
community resource fair
August 23, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Due to COVID levels rising, this event has been moved to Peter Pan Park
*Not an ETS Event (but we will be there!)