TRIO ETS Buzz: TutorMe, MSU Visit, Scholarship Writing, ACT Workshop

5 Ways to Show Gratitude
5 Ways to Show Gratitude

November: The Month of Gratitude!

The month of November is considered the month of gratitude! As this semester is preparing to end, here are a few steps to help take a break, rewind, and show thankfulness.

"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses." -Alphonse Karr


ETS Mentor List

PhoneOur ETS Mentors are UNL college students
that do check ins with scholars. We have an updated list of mentors that could be calling in the future:

Adriann, Amal, Angela, Dayton, Ella, Isaiah, Johana, Marielena, Misaki, Nhi, Tammy, & Yousra


High School Scholars: SCC Discovery Days

SCCSCC Discovery Days will give you the opportunity to experience SCC firsthand. The event will provide info about SCC’s Programs of Study, how to pay for college, SCC support services, housing, activities, & more. Campus tour and lunch provided.

Beatrice: Dec 3
Lincoln: Dec 6

*Not ETS events

More details at:
Originally published November 8, 2021 - Submit an Item