The Office of Graduate Studies and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has developed and identified resources on and off campus to help you address questions you have due to COVID-19. If you have additional concerns but are unsure where to find the answer, please don’t hesitate to ask the Graduate Studies Professional Development team and they will help connect you to the most applicable resources.
Graduate Studies Professional Development Resources:
- We will offer Zoom conferences for any student that would like to schedule an appointment, as well as corresponding via email and phone. Schedule an appointment using Consultation Services. Please note, all Friday morning appointments will also be done via Zoom. We will email you a link to the Zoom meeting once you select a time.
- We are working on developing online career and professional development resources, which will be available later this semester. Continue to check the Graduate Report for further updates.
- You can find additional information about steps the Office of Graduate Studies is taking regarding graduate education in our COVID-19 Response. We will update this page if/when circumstances change.
Mental Health Resources:
- CAPS is now closed for in-person visits. If you would like a remote (i.e., Zoom, phone) appointment or if you are in crisis, please call CAPS at 402-472-7450 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for assistance.
- CAPS' 2019 Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Response is a wonderful resource for maintaining your mental health during this time. They also have a list of apps that focus on mediation, relaxing sounds and music, and overall wellness.
- Big Red Resilience and Well-being is also offering virtual support for students. If you need to talk with someone about your well-being, please email their office at resilience@unl.edu. Additional online resources will be coming later this semester.
- Help is available free of charge even if university facilities are closed. The National Grad Crisis-Line is staffed by trained counselors who understand unique grad struggles. 877-GRAD-HLP (877-472-3457) is a supplement to the existing mental health services on campus. For additional information, visit Grad Resources
Teaching Resources:
- The Center for Transformative Teaching has multiple resources for students as we transition to all online learning. They also have resources on teaching online for TAs managing the transition.
- The Office of Graduate Studies can also help provide guidance for TAs. Please email Dr. Lisa Rohde at lrohde2@unl.edu with any questions you have about teaching online.
- CIRTL has resources and trainings available for TAs preparing to teach online. CIRTL will host a training for TAs supporting online instruction on Wednesday, March 25 at 1 p.m. CT. Videos for previous workshops on online teaching are available on the CIRTL YouTube channel.
- If you are teaching this semester, please speak with your department for specific guidelines on how the program is moving to an online environment.
- Additional information can be found in the university Instructors and Researchers 2019 Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Response.
University Resources:
- The university continues to update the Student 2019 Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Response as necessary. You can find information on academics, remote learning, health and support services, student housing and facilities, research and internships, and financial aid on this site.
- The Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid has posted financial resources and information for students and families impacted by disruptions related to COVID-19 here.
- Many departments and offices have their own COVID-19 response message. If you are unsure of what your department is doing to address the current situation, please reach out to your advisor or graduate chair.
- Career Services has a list of staff members across campus who can provide career and professional development assistance as well as help answer departmental questions (or connect you with the person who can help you).
Again, we want to make sure every graduate student has access to the resources they need. This is not an exhaustive list, and we know things are changing quickly.
If you have additional concerns or questions, please email:
- Erin Omar, assistant director – career & professional development at eomar2@unl.edu
- Lisa Rohde, associate director – teaching & research development at lrohde2@unl.edu
- Carol Boehler, program coordinator, McNair Scholars & grad student development at cboehler2@unl.edu
- L.J. McElravy, interim associate dean of graduate student professional development at lj.mcelravy@unl.edu