The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research is taking applications for the Energy Sciences Research – Summer Internships for Undergraduates. Up to eight internships are made possible through NCESR with support from the Nebraska Public Power District.
The Darrell J. Nelson Summer Undergraduate Internship in Energy Sciences Research is being offered for the twelfth year in the amount of up to $6,000 per recipient for the summer of 2025. The faculty sponsor can request an additional $1,000 travel fund to cover travel expenses for the intern to present their research conducted during the summer internship at a relevant conference. The intern should be enrolled at UNL during the conference.
The internship application deadline is Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 at 5 p.m., CT.
For detailed information about the 2025 application requirements, go to 2025 NCESR Summer Internships Instructions & Testimonials
Application Requirements:
The applicant is responsible to submit all required information in one package at NCESR 2025 Summer Undergrad Internship Application. It is a DocuSign form so you will need to sign in with your UNL ID and password.
1. Application Form. Complete the form in DocuSign in the above link and attach required information, sign, and date.
2. Applicant Letter. Attach a one-page letter that: (a) describes you, your major and your interest in energy issues and energy sciences research; and (b) describes the research project and the tasks you will complete as part of the energy sciences research summer internship.
3. Faculty Letter. Attach a one-page letter from the faculty who agreed to sponsor your application for the energy sciences research summer internship, if selected. The faculty sponsor needs to explain why they think you should be selected for the internship.
4. Transcript. Attach an unofficial transcript.
To learn more about previous NCESR summer undergraduate internship projects, go to Undergraduate Summer Internship Posters.
This internship opportunity is also posted on our NCESR website. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Wesely at swesely4@unl.edu or Brenda Coufal at brenda.coufal@unl.edu.
More details at: https://ncesr.unl.edu/