Webinar: Planning your Potable Reuse Program from Vision to Reality


Webinar: Planning your Potable Reuse Program from Vision to Reality
When: Aug. 28th, 2024 (1-hour)
Who: Dave MacNevin PhD PE

With the growing need for drinking water supply alternatives, more utilities are prioritizing potable reuse. Using real world examples, this webinar will highlight the typical potable reuse project steps from initial concept to construction.

Population growth and environmental constraints continue to strain communities’ drinking water supplies. Treated wastewater effluent is a resource that can help strengthen these supply portfolios. With initial public perception, varying regulations state-by-state, and ongoing research, the world of potable reuse can be difficult to navigate.

This timely webinar will cover the steps for a typical potable reuse project and how this approach was implemented on a landmark project. The presenters will address pressing challenges like navigating regulatory uncertainty, selecting the best treatment technology, and solving other complex water quality challenges.

Dave MacNevin, PhD, PE has 17 years of experience in the testing, design, and implementation of drinking water and advanced water reuse treatment systems. He is a nationally-recognized expert in advanced water treatment, potable reuse, and distribution system water quality. His background includes feasibility/pilot studies, full scale design, facility startup and operations review, and post treatment.

Dr. MacNevin presents regularly at local and national conferences. He offers a strong grasp of emerging technologies and utility needs help clients most in troubleshooting and resolving complex challenges, while also working with regulators to achieve favorable outcomes. He brings added value through his operator training and hands-on troubleshooting.

Link to register:

More details at: https://www.waterworld.com/webinars/webinar/55127948/planning-your-potable-reuse-program-from-vision-to-reality