Happy New Year! As we start our spring 2017 semester in Civil Engineering, I am happy to inform you that, in addition to distributing the REDLINE once a year, we are initiating a bi-monthly E-newsletter to provide you timely information related to activities and successes in our Department. Continue reading…
The most recent issue of the RedLine is available online at http://engineering.unl.edu/civil/civil-redline-fall-2016/
The Department of Civil Engineering was featured in an Omaha World Herald editorial showcasing the importance of the faculty's work in relation to transportation safety.
Read the full story at http://www.omaha.com/opinion/editorial-highway-safety-push/article_329e6e2f-e521-56c8-817b-12d76df471ae.h
Pam Dingman, Lancaster County engineer and civil engineering alumnus, teams up with civil engineering researchers to assess 148th Street bridge's safety.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/z9bn
Arlys Blakey, administrative technician for the Omaha campus, was honored at the December Faculty Luncheon for her 20 years of work with the Department of Civil Engineering.
Congratulations, Arlys, and thank you for all that you do for us!
Dr. Jinying Zhu looks to save time and energy on bridge inspections with her metal bead system. Continue reading…
Nebraska engineers Christopher Tuan and Lim Nguyen have developed a cost-effective concrete that shields against intense pulses of electromagnetic energy, or EMP. Continue reading…
A team of professors from the Department of Civil Engineering recently visited Afghanistan as part of a joint project with UNO to improve hydraulic engineering program in Kabul Polytechnic University, Afghanistan. Continue reading…
The Department of Civil Engineering hosted its second annual Fall Banquet on Saturday, October 29th, 2016 Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska system's National Strategic Research Institute has earned a $1 million contract for UNL engineers to continue research on improving military checkpoints. Continue reading…
The Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program brings Ph.D. students and professors from universities in India to the University of Nebraska to work with faculty mentors on water quality issues. Continue reading…
Two UNL civil engineering faculty are part of an NSF-funded collaboration with UNO to use big data to improve monitoring of bridge infrastructure for potential failures. Continue reading…
Civil and mechanical and materials engineers get small in their search for cheaper, greener concrete mixtures made from alternative binders and recycled materials. Continue reading…
Chungwook Sim, assistant professor of civil engineering, recently led a team of researchers to Ecuador to assess earthquake damage and evaluate a vulnerability index for building damage. Continue reading…
An online version of the Fall 2016 RedLine Alumni Newsletter is now available at http://go.unl.edu/redlinefall2016. Older versions of the newsletter are also available on the site.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/redlinefall2016
AWWA/WEF students attended World O! Water, a water pollution education event. Continue reading…
Graduate students Alison Kathol and Zach Mahon visited Prague to study the movement of water through soil as part of a collaboration between UNL and the Czech Technical University at Prague. Continue reading…