Get to know your Social Chair Committee members

Tori and Lindsay
Tori and Lindsay

Name: Tori Wheeler
Major: Psychology

Why I wanted to be Social Chair:

"I want to go on to work in student affairs in a program like William H. Thompson, or even help to implement them in other universities. I love being involved in our program, and enjoy thinking of creative ways we can all have fun together as the W.H. Thompson family."

Name: Lindsay Peterson
Major: Nutrition Science--Pre-PA

Why I wanted to be Social Chair:

"I wanted to be the Social Chair because I want to provide fun opportunities for W.H. Thompson Scholars to get together and get to know each other. The W.H. Thompson community has amazed me at how much of a family it has created, and I want to help continue this growth and support. Socials are a great place to meet people that you will see around campus, have classes with, and form friendships with for the rest of your life. There's no better way to get to know your fellow scholars!!"

Message from both Tori and Lindsay:
"We will be planning two events each semester, for a total of four socials. We would love to have our fellow scholars help us with planning these events. We want you to enjoy the time you spend at socials, so your ideas are appreciated! If you would like to get involved, share your ideas, help us plan, or assist in any way we need, please sign up here!! We will contact you with information of upcoming meetings we may hold, or ideas we may have for your input! Thanks in advance for your help, and for getting involved with the Social Committee!"

If you wish to join the committee a link to a Google Spreadsheet is included below. Simply follow the link and add your information.