Study Cafe and Tutor Lab Open This Week

Study Cafe and Tutor Lab
Study Cafe and Tutor Lab

The W.H. Thompson community encourages engaged student learning – and one resource that W.H. Thompson Scholars have access to is the Study Café. The W.H. Thompson Study Café provides scholars with complimentary snacks and beverages, including coffee, tea, hot chocolate, popcorn, and trail mix, while also offering a variety of quality study spaces. While at the Study Café, scholars have access to private study rooms (great for group projects or working with a study partner!), reading space, tables for homework space, and a computer lab.

The Study Café has other amenities as well – scholars have access to tutors through the W.H. Thompson Tutor Lab, and UNL library staff visit the W. H. Thompson Study Café on a bi-monthly basis to assist students with writing papers and completing research assignments. Some W.H. Thompson faculty members have also utilized the Study Café space to conduct extended office hours.

The Study Café is located on the first floor of Harper Residence Hall, and the Fall 2013 hours of operation will be Mon.-Wed. 6-10p.m.