Wavelength Troupe Gives Educators Something to Laugh About

Released on 05/18/2004, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

WHEN: Thursday, Jun. 17, 2004

WHERE: Cornhusker Hotel and Conference Center, 333 S. 13th St.

Lincoln, Neb., May 18th, 2004 —

President Bush's education reform act, "No Child Left Behind," has educators laboring to implement the sweeping and controversial changes required by the legislation.

Helping them to succeed, and finding something to laugh about along the way, is Wavelength -- a comedy troupe from Chicago with a style Teacher magazine describes as "an edition of 'Saturday Night Live' written especially for educators." The group's unique style will be on display when they perform their award-winning presentation "Faculty Lounge!" to 300 teachers and administrators registered for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's National Center for Information Technology in Education Symposium at 7 p.m. June 17 at the Cornhusker Hotel, 333 S. 13th St.

Registration for the Wavelength performance only is $30. Information is available online or by calling (402) 472-2445.

"Faculty Lounge!" humorously tackles such diverse issues as educational burnout, authentic assessment, site-based management and multiple intelligences. The performance follows five teachers for a week, exploring the personal challenges of today's education community. Moving from character to character, Wavelength captures the voices inhabiting the educational community: teachers, parents, students, administrators and politicians. Educators will empathize with some, recognize themselves in others, and be gently challenged to have compassion for all who serve to educate our children.

Founded in 1980 by a former high school English teacher, Wavelength has performed for more than 1,000 organizations and 1 million educators in America, Europe and the Pacific islands. Their videos have garnered more than 40 awards including a Gold Hugo, six Telly awards, and more than a dozen Communicator Awards.

For more information on Wavelength, telephone Brad Harbaugh at (877) 528-4472 or visit www.wavelength.biz on the World Wide Web.

CONTACT: Charlotte Hazzard, Asst. Director, NCITE, (402) 472-2445