UNL student and faculty-produced promotional DVD wins honors

Released on 10/04/2004, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., October 4th, 2004 —

A promotional DVD produced entirely by faculty and students from all three departments in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts received two prestigious Gold Camera Awards this summer at the 2004 International Film and Video Festival. The festival is the world's leading competition for business, television, documentary, industrial and informational productions.

The DVD includes a 12-minute movie, which provides an introduction to what it is like to be a student in the college. The DVD also includes special "bonus material" for each department and the college. The DVD won two first-place awards in the categories of "Training and Education" and "Writing and Concept," presented in June in Los Angeles. This year's festival received more than 1,500 entries from 27 countries.

Other awards received by the DVD production include the American Business Awards' Stevie Award in Sales and a Finalist in Marketing under the category of "Interactive Media"; two Telly Awards: A Silver Winner Award in the category of Low-Budget Productions and a Bronze Finalist Award in the category of Recruitment Video. The Telly Awards showcase the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators and corporate video departments in the world; two honorable mentions from the Accolade Awards in the categories of College/University and Editing; a Silver Winner in the 2003 Galaxy Awards, which recognize excellence for product and service marketing by the International Academy of Communications Arts and Science/Mercomm Inc.; honors in the 2003 Magellan Awards publicity campaign competition from the League of American Communications Professionals; and a Horizon Interactive Gold Award in "Self Promotion/Company Identity."

"Everyone who was involved in the creation of the DVD is very excited and gratified that it has done so well in so many competitions," said Rick Endacott, assistant professor of theatre arts. "When you consider that most of the other competitors are professional production companies, ad agencies and public relations firms, I think it says a lot about the high level of professionalism demonstrated by the students, faculty and staff who contributed to the project."

CONTACT: Kathe Andersen, Fine & Performing Arts, (402) 472-9355