UNL student wins award at Naval Academy conference

Released on 05/04/2005, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., May 4th, 2005 —

University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Collin Paschall won a Civilian Prize Award for his paper, "The Challenge of Quasi-Empire," at the 2005 Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference April 12-14 at Annapolis, Md.

Paschall is a sophomore political science major from Omaha.

The Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference is the largest undergraduate foreign affairs conference in the country. Delegates from colleges across the country and around the world assemble yearly to debate and learn about a topic of current importance to the foreign policy community.

In addition to roundtable discussions and internationally recognized speakers and panels, delegates have a chance to interact with midshipmen and see some of the highlights of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Paschall's paper addressed the concept of the United States as an empire, and whether or not the label is accurate. He examined the United States' projection of military power, its economic position, and its role in the global community and relationship with international law. Taking these factors into consideration, Paschall compared the position of the United States to previous examples and perspectives on empire.

CONTACT: Collin Paschall, (402) 651-1733