Wyoming's Charles Francis to direct Nebraska Unions

Released on 08/17/2005, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., August 17th, 2005 —
Charles Francis color JPEG
Charles Francis color JPEG

Charles W. Francis, director of the Wyoming Union at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, will be the new director of the Nebraska Unions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Francis will take over for longtime unions director Daryl Swanson, who retired this summer.

"Both the search committee and I found Charlie to be a very qualified candidate, and I truly believe he has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to provide great leadership to the Nebraska Unions in the years ahead," said James V. Griesen, UNL vice chancellor for student affairs. "I have learned that Charlie is a very skillful and thorough planner, and works well with staff, students and faculty in fulfilling the multiple missions of a college union."

As director of Nebraska Unions, Francis will oversee the Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union in providing support and oversight to UNL student services, student organizations and activities, food service, and Union retail outlets, as well as overseeing the Culture Center and University Child Care.

Francis has been Wyoming Union director since 2001. He managed a $12.8 million union renovation and a $1.5 million budget at Wyoming, where he also developed and obtained funding for a Center for Volunteer Service and coordinated, with Academic Affairs, an integrated service-learning classroom project. He developed a student Friday night program, an award of excellence program, took over the Weeks of Welcome programs and services and obtained a grant to help restore a historic mural.

Before going to Wyoming, Francis was director of Memorial Union at Emporia (Kan.) State University (1991-2001), assistant director of student activities and facilities at University of Notre Dame (1989-91), assistant director and director of business operations at Driscoll University Center at the University of Denver (1987-89), assistant director and associate director of College Union/Student Activities at Plymouth (N.H.) State College (1984-87), and served in various roles as a graduate student for Mountainlair Student Union at West Virginia University in Morgantown (1982-84).

Francis earned his master's (in education administration) and bachelor's degrees (in recreation) from West Virginia University. He and his family are in the process of moving from Laramie and he said he hopes to start at UNL around Sept. 1.

"I'm really excited about the opportunity and am looking forward to transitioning into this position of leadership at the Nebraska Unions," Francis said. "Daryl Swanson did an outstanding job of leaving a legacy and choosing and leading an outstanding staff. I hope to bring in a different perspective and experience from the unions I've managed, and bring a new energy to work with the staff to shape the direction and future of the unions."

CONTACT: James V. Griesen, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, (402) 472-3755

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